Vibrant Autumn Acrylic Print

by Shirley Mitchell

Product Details
Vibrant Autumn acrylic print by Shirley Mitchell. Bring your artwork to life with the stylish lines and added depth of an acrylic print. Your image gets printed directly onto the back of a 1/4" thick sheet of clear acrylic. The high gloss of the acrylic sheet complements the rich colors of any image to produce stunning results. Two different mounting options are available, see below.
Design Details
Autumn on display at Savill Gardens Surrey, England
Ships Within
3 - 4 business days
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Comments (2)
Artist's Description
Autumn on display at Savill Gardens Surrey, England
About Shirley Mitchell

Every photograph is a unique moment in time, never to be repeated. I live in the beautiful county of Surrey in England where the scenery, the lighting and the change of seasons can only be described as inspirational. What started as a hobby many years ago has developed into an obsession leading me to take photographic courses and trying to improve my skills. Being out and about with my camera is perhaps one of my greatest joys. My interests are varied but I get the biggest buzz from flowers, landscapes and architecture. I sincerely hope that I am able to share my enthusiasm by sharing my images.
Steve Rich
Gorgeous work Shirley, thank you for sharing. (l/f)
Shirley Mitchell replied:
Thank you Steve
Randy Rosenberger
This piece of fine artwork has earned the honor of being chosen to show off to other artists and prospective buyers here in the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group. It is an honor to share this piece of well composed and beautiful art on our Featured section of our homepage. Thanks much for sharing! Liked and Faved Randy B. Rosenberger (administrator of the WFS group)
Shirley Mitchell replied:
Thank you Randy much appreciated